Here are the rules, please respect them :
1.No Flaming/Trolling/Bashing is allowed on this forum.
Hate posts and personal attacking will not be tolerated on The Java House. Posting topics especially to provoke negative response from someone (a.k.a. trolling) is also forbidden. Please treat others as you would like to be treated.
2.No Spamming.
Spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages to gain a higher post count, or just to annoy others
is HIGHLY frowned upon!
3.No Copyrighted Material.
Template Shares users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right
without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.
5.Impersonating Other User(s)/Accessing Their Accounts.
You may not impersonate another board member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users.
Also, accessing or using someone else's account or attempting to access another poster's account is strictly prohibited.
You will be banned.
6.No Posting of Nudity/****.
Please do NOT post such things here, this is a PUBLIC forum, witch means that there are 12 year olds here just as there are
50 year olds. Nudity and **** is not allowed for obvious reasons.
7.Requesting Support.
Before asking for any help, please make sure that the same question wasn't asked before. That way it will save staff and
members time in anwsering repeated questions.
8.The Report Button.
Please note that the report button was made for reporting bad posts only. Please do not abuse this button to get attention
to your thread/other threads, or try to get faster support.
9. No Warez and/or Piracy.
Absolutely no Warez. Linking or giving information about any site that distributes illegal software, or warez, seeking help to
circumvent any copyright laws, or encouraging software or media piracy will result in an immediate BAN.
10.This forum is seen by younger individuals please do not post pictures with BAD WORDS written on them because
the word filter will miss this.
11.This is an English speaking forum. Please type your posts in English.
Now, guys, for every broken rule you get a warning.
Two warnings = temporary mute.
Three warnings = temporary ban (depends on what you have done).
Four warnings = PERMANENT BAN.